Admission Requirements

Tuition Fee for Pre-Licensing Course

The tuition fee for the Pre-Licensing course is $2,499 (one-time) or four payments of $625 (payment plan).

All students pay their own room and board at the facility of their choice for the live class schedule. Our refund policy is that after attending our school for three days, if we feel you are not capable of becoming an auctioneer or if you are not satisfied, your tuition will be refunded.

Once you have successfully completed the course you are entitled to Life Membership in the school and may attend any future pre-licensing course for free. (Does not include Continuing Education Courses)

Length of Term

School terms last either ten days for the in-person option, or in our hybrid option, five days after the hybrid portion of a class is completed.

For hybrid students, this means completing all online classes and taking one exam. This is intense training. You will receive more training in the field of Auctioneering during our 100 hours course than is available anywhere else in the world.

Classes run Friday to Sunday for the ten day course and Wednesday through Sunday for our hybrid course. No class terms will be held during the holidays of Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years.

Course Completion

To successfully complete the course each student must receive a passing grade average of seventy-five percent (75%) on the three, one hundred question exams given by the school. 

Unless a student is excused by the school administration due to illness, death in the family, or acts of God, a student must attend 75% (75 hours) of the class sessions to successfully complete the course.

Student Conduct

No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are allowed on school premises or at any school function. Indiana does not allow smoking indoors. The use of chewing tobacco is not allowed during class sessions.

Good conduct is expected and students need to treat instructors and other students with respect. Inappropriate conduct may result in removal from the school.

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Course Offerings